



当志愿者承诺在学校服务时, 学生取得更高的成绩, 有更多的机会吗, 并获得社区联系,帮助他们茁壮成长.

  • Research shows that students who receive direct support from volunteer tutors achieve higher grades, 考试成绩, 也更有可能毕业.
  • 当志愿者为员工提供文书支持时, 教育工作者有更多的时间来指导和个性化的支持学生.
  • Volunteers make programs supporting the lowest-income students possible: Friday food backpacks preventing weekend hunger, 学校供应活动, etc.
  • Schools with large numbers of volunteers offer students more learning experiences through clubs, 实地考察旅行, 浓缩.


SPS-wide, schools enjoy tremendous volunteer support, with over 20,000 individuals available to help. 不幸的是, 一些学校收到了数百份志愿者申请, 而其他人只收到很少的.

柱状图显示四个柱状图,每个柱状图代表一组按股权等级划分的SPS学校. 等级越高,志愿者与学生的比例就越高.
平均, 一级公平学校的志愿者与学生比例为1:7,四级公平学校为1:3.


  • 小学: Broadview-Thomson (PK-8), Concord, Dunlap, Emerson, Gatzert, 格雷厄姆·希尔, Muir, Lowell, 马丁·路德·金.,奥运山,新星,南岸(PK-8),西西雅图,卢克翼
  • Middle: 阿基Kurose, Broadview-Thomson (PK-8), Denny, Meany, Mercer, 西雅图世界学校, 南岸(PK-8), 华盛顿
  • High: 首席Sealth, Cleveland, Franklin, Garfield, Ingraham, 内森黑尔, 雷尼尔山海滩, 西雅图世界学校



帮助学生更接近学业目标, 感到被支持和更有信心来到学校. 志愿者1.每周5-2小时,以表达您对学校的支持!

  • 如果辅导不适合你,整理书籍或教学材料怎么样?
  • 我想确保学生们周末不会饿肚子? 周五帮忙往背包里装食物. 

为了持久的影响和最有价值的志愿者经历,承诺在一个教室或项目上学习3个月. 这是一个很大的要求,就像公平1-2级教室的志愿者需求一样. 定期去同一所学校上课, you show students that their success matters to you and that the community supports their school. 在学习如何最好地支持你的学生的同时,你也建立了融洽的关系和信任. 你的志愿者支持会对他们的生活产生很大的影响! 

地区战略计划“西雅图卓越”,“SPS志愿者计划支持那些远离教育公正的学生. 志愿者直接支持教学计划下的两个重点领域:

  • 到三年级结束时,学生的阅读能力已达到年级水平,
  • 学生们达到了七年级的数学水平目标,
  • 学生在学校感到受欢迎和安全.


青少年辅导计划需要志愿者辅导, guide, 并通过帮助西雅图学生取得学业和个人成功来激励他们.



加强志愿服务,增加学校志愿者人数, 工作人员寻求学生的声音,为志愿者提供支持.


Here are powerful examples of how family and community volunteers took action to support SPS students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 



奥林匹克山 小学 engaged more remote volunteer tutors during the 2020/21 school year than in previous years when all learning took place in physical classrooms. Staff at this Seattle Excellence school created targeted volunteer opportunities that help advance the school’s continuous improvement plan (C-SIP). Volunteer Program Liaison Danielle Vaillancourt matches volunteers with students to ensure their volunteer service advances the school’s strategic goals:


Volunteers are integrated into classrooms based on their reading support experience and provide 1-1 “student “academic interventions” (targeted student support). Danielle Vaillancourt解释道:

“志愿者的存在本身就是对我们的员工和学生的巨大支持. 让学生在1-1的课程中有更多的时间来处理他们所学的知识, reading, and experiencing builds confidence in themselves and the subject matter and fosters a trend for learning. 志愿者花时间帮助我们的学生完成困难的课文, 发音, 用学生能理解的方式解释材料. 这段时间在学生和志愿者之间,以及学生和学校之间建立了联系. When students of color feel seen, heard, and supported, their ability to focus on content is greater. Reading volunteers do more than support students in their reading; they help to build positive, strong, 以及强大的人类!”

目标2:提高三年级黑人男孩和说西班牙语的英语学习者的出勤率. Volunteers help create a warm and welcoming environment by participating in “check and connect” with students.

“Volunteers are more than tutors, interventionists, classroom support, and an extra set of hands. 志愿者为学校的整体环境和文化做出贡献, 他们还帮助我们的学生拓宽和多样化社区联系. 当志愿者与我们的学生建立融洽的关系, 他们开始期待上学,因为许多关心他们的人等着见他们, 倾听他们, 并帮助他们成功. 对学习有兴趣, 你不在的时候,却听到有人想念你, 真正享受正规买足球的App都能鼓励学生出勤率.”



在大流行早期,在线学习开始了, SPS rapidly created the Family Tech Support Center to support students furthest from educational justice. 与大海合作.并得到了教育联盟的财政支持, 我们动员了140名志愿者, 包括SPS家庭, 社区支持者, 而科技行业总共派出了超过2名,500个电话,投入超过1个,让学生接触科技. 在短短八周内,750个SPS家庭接受了志愿者对其家用设备的技术支持.

SPS Family Tech Support Center volunteer Shiva Thudi was among a core group of remote volunteers early in the pandemic helping get SPS students connected to online classrooms.



Kristina, 这张照片是她和孩子们以及奥观园的工作人员克劳迪奥在一起, delivered daily school meals to food-insecure families living in a shelter for Deaf and hard-of-hearing survivors of abuse. 克里斯汀娜是一个超级志愿者——她多年来一直是家庭教师协会的活跃成员, 包括担任PTA董事会主席, 目前是奥林匹克观点种族平等小组的成员. 作为一名注册护士,她还在Lumen Field志愿担任疫苗接种员.

Briana Del Rosario,大学志愿者


华盛顿大学的河道教育合作项目 招募优秀的志愿者来支持我们的第一修正案学校. This year, Briana Del Rosario is receiving the “Hustling Husky Award” from  奥林匹克山 小学 School staff. She began tutoring with SPS in October 2020 because she desired to help teachers during online schooling. 她在Mrs. 并分享了以下内容:“布里安娜的温暖, 平静的魅力, 迷人的连通性, 加深学生知识的方式使我们的班级变得更好. 文化和人际关系, my Spanish-speaking students and students of color identify with Briana and deeply admire her as a scientist and general role model.  She has created a sense of safety and curiosity and introduced them to new ideas and ways of thinking. 和我们的学生在一起之后, Briana decided she wanted to become an SPS teacher and got accepted to the Seattle Teacher Residency program!” Briana is committed to teaching through a social justice lens to actualize educational equity. 

Danielle Pulliam,社区志愿者


Danielle volunteered her time and experience as a  former educator and also enthusiastically agreed to take on additional projects to help students get whatever they need to feel loved and supported. 丹妮尔在带领学生阅读小组方面非常有耐心,可靠,知识渊博. 她也很善良和热心. 她利用积极的人际关系给学生灌输安慰, 问问题时的自信, 还有上课的兴奋. Her support has provided more 1-1 and small group services to students ensuring more families have access to supplies and food, 并帮助弥合了远程学习中的公平差距.

This is what Danielle shares about her experience: “I was spurred to volunteer because I can’t imagine teaching during this unusual time and wanted to support the incredible work our teachers are doing to promote educational justice during a pandemic. 最具挑战性的障碍是解决远程志愿服务的技术问题, 一旦这些都平滑了, 学生们正在读书。, 分享想法, 和坚持.  This experience has enriched my life and I would encourage other community members to volunteer during the pandemic for a sense of purpose.

The Kindergarten and 1st-grade students I read with are clever and insightful making my experience as a volunteer very rewarding.  The 奥林匹克山 teachers and staff are supportive and patient which makes remote volunteering easy.”


In 2017, Matt Jamin and his long-time volunteer colleagues at  西雅图世界学校 started a fund to fill gaps PTSAs in other schools focus on – 实地考察旅行, 技术, 和课外活动. 新冠疫情对移民和难民社区的打击尤其严重 西雅图世界学校基金 将直接帮助家庭支付房租和杂货的筹款活动增加了两倍. 尽管有这些额外的努力, Matt continued to volunteer remotely in the math classroom throughout the school year supporting middle and high school students from all over the world as they settle in their new country. 

Anela Deisler,家长志愿者

阿妮拉是奥林匹克山小学一年级学生的家长, 参加了家长会吗, 并支持员工, families, 还有我们学校社区的学生,她会抓住每一个机会. 阿妮拉所做的一切都以孩子们的幸福为中心, kind, 关心她的方式和积极进取的精神. She has worked on the Social Justice Curriculum Committee this year helping develop and support an anti-racist, 面向全体学生的社会正义课程. As a certificated teacher herself, she contributes her skill, expertise, and energy to this work. 有来自社区的家长成为这项工作的合作伙伴和倡导者,这意义重大, 它确实对我们学生的生活和发展产生了影响. Anela还帮助我们所有的学生分配用品. She works together with others to create bags of school supplies for all our families to pick up once a month. 这一行动支持了我们学校的每一个孩子, 帮助他们感受到关心和联系, 并帮助他们在每天的在线课程中进行活动. 当你向Anela寻求支持时,她总是给予你积极的回应, proactive, 组织能源!

小学 school teacher Nancy Smith shared the following about Angela: “She has a global outlook for facilitating collaboration and connection across the school. 阿妮拉所做的工作鼓舞了孩子们, families, and staff, 并且总是对我们的社区做出积极的贡献.”